CTO & Co-Founder

What quote or saying has stuck with you?

"Love the problem, not the solution." - Too often, we become enamored with our ideas and solutions, losing sight of the user's problem. Always return to the user - engage, understand, and address their pain points.

What's your secret sauce for building a great team?

Empower people with purpose and the right amount of freedom to pursue a meaningful mission. Support them on their way. Everything else is a bonus. Why? Smart individuals thrive on challenges and aspire to contribute to something greater than themselves. The more responsibility they hold, the more dedicated they become.

What should leaders understand about their own role and responsibility?

Trust is foundational. Onboard the right people, have trust in their skills to do the right things. Align them with the mission & support them on their journey. As you lead more people, operational task is not your job anymore. Learn to delegate early.

What motivates you to work as a leader / entrepreneur?

I love solving problems. Seeing people use my solutions, saving significant time with a sparkle in their eyes, is my life's elixir.

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What's a question you like asking — yourself or others?

I like asking, "What can I learn from this experience?" This question helps me reflect on challenges and successes, fostering continuous improvement and a mindset of growth and learning.

Co-Founder & CEO
aiomatic solutions

What’s an important guiding principle that informs the way you build and run your business?

“Lead by ideas, not by hierarchy.” The “position” of a person has nothing to do with the ability to contribute great ideas to improve the company. You should always strive for a company culture where everybody can talk to everybody.

Founder & CEO

What shift in perspective has allowed you to see things differently?

Understanding that you cannot control the decisions other people make, you can only influence and inform them. Not every deal or decision will go your way and this mindset helps avoid self-loathing, anger, and depression.

CEO and Founder

What was a pivotal moment where your business made a big leap forward?

Understanding the 80/20 principle or even 64/4 and that it's a law of nature applicable everywhere. It's one of the biggest levers for doing more with less or in less time. (E.g. 20% of the streets in the world handle 80% of the traffic.)

Founder, CPO / General Counsel