Founder and Executive Director
Habitual Roots

What motivates you to work as a leader / entrepreneur?

My values. I want people to feel heard, understood, and supported. Through my experience in life of not having this in moments when I needed it and knowing I can help others feel this way, it's inspiring. I also know that it doesn't take much, it's just showing someone you care a little. And it turns out that I do.

When times are tough, who or what is an anchor for you?

My network. I have a wonderful wife, a best friend, some really close friends, and a fulfilling spiritual relationship. Depending on my needs, I know I can call upon any or all of these, and do so often.

What's a mistake that you're happy you've made?

Judging others. At certain points of life, you feel like you know so much and have all the answers, when it turns out you're wrong. You don't have enough information to make these conclusions and your solutions aren't going to work "just like that." Messing up like this has allowed me to listen first, have compassion, and ask question after question. I want to get as much of the picture as I can before diving in trying to problem solve. I will always be working on this and can say I'm able to build better relationships, truly help, and gain new perspectives in the process.

What's a question you like asking — yourself or your colleagues?

"Is this in alignment with the bigger picture/ your needs / ...?" — This question allows me to keep a conversation on topic, understand what my teammate is thinking/seeing/feeling, collaborate, and get a real gauge on a situation. I learn more about potential clients, issues, expectations, and get a ton of new ideas from simply asking this question.

What’s an important belief / a guiding principle that informs the way you build and run your business?

My current favorite is to honor your f¢# yeses. If it's not a f¢# yes, it's a hell no. This will keep you from chasing things that you feel you "should do" and keep you on track to do the things you know that are right for you.

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What's a question you like asking — yourself or others?

I like asking, "What can I learn from this experience?" This question helps me reflect on challenges and successes, fostering continuous improvement and a mindset of growth and learning.

Co-Founder & CEO
aiomatic solutions

What’s an important guiding principle that informs the way you build and run your business?

“Lead by ideas, not by hierarchy.” The “position” of a person has nothing to do with the ability to contribute great ideas to improve the company. You should always strive for a company culture where everybody can talk to everybody.

Founder & CEO

What shift in perspective has allowed you to see things differently?

Understanding that you cannot control the decisions other people make, you can only influence and inform them. Not every deal or decision will go your way and this mindset helps avoid self-loathing, anger, and depression.

CEO and Founder

What was a pivotal moment where your business made a big leap forward?

Understanding the 80/20 principle or even 64/4 and that it's a law of nature applicable everywhere. It's one of the biggest levers for doing more with less or in less time. (E.g. 20% of the streets in the world handle 80% of the traffic.)

Founder, CPO / General Counsel